Nadleh Whut'enne Yah
The buildings have a total floor area of 1695 square meters, or 18,000 square feet; with approximately 30 people working in or from the complex, most of them members of the Nadleh Band.
Our Gym has a standing capacity of 1000, a chair only capacity of 500, and a seated at table capacity of 450.
(77 rectangular tables, 10 round tables)
The buildings are designed to have a long life. With proper care they should be usable for a minimum of 100 years. With respect for the building that goal can be surpassed and the building passed on to our great-great Grandchildren.
The Nadleh Whut’en has agreed to rent rooms in the Nadleh Whut’enne Yah Administration building to the User on the terms set out in this agreement. The User shall have the right to use the facility subject to the following terms, conditions, covenants and agreements on the dates specified.
The renter assumes all responsibility for the equipment loaned/rented from the Nadleh Whut’enne Yah Administration Building located on 823 Nautley Road.
The Nadleh Whut’en Band will not be responsible for stolen or lost items.